Human-readable MongoDB query syntax
Sometimes you need to give your application user a more flexible way to search the database. The search should be universal for any data and easy to understand for a person without technical knowledge.
I was able to create a simple query syntax and a parser to convert them to MongoDB query syntax. Below is a description of the query syntax and the parser code for them.
Query syntax
The query is a string that uses special characters. These symbols are similar in appearance and meaning to mathematical operations. This includes comparison operations, logical operations, grouping the order of operations.
Below is a table describing operators and use cases.
Operator | Description | Use case |
> |
Greater | field > 2021-12-01 |
< |
Less | field < 5 |
>= |
Greater or equal | field >= 10 |
<= |
Lessor equal | field <= 50 |
= |
Equal | field = "text" |
!= |
Not equal | field != "text" |
~ |
Matches regular expression | field ~ ^text\d+$ |
~* |
Matches regular expression case insensitive | field ~* ^TeXt |
& |
Logical AND | field > 0 & field < 10 |
| |
Logical OR | field > 0 | field < 10 |
() |
Expression grouping | (field > 0 & field < 10) | field > 100 |
[] |
One of many | field = ['one', 'two', 'three'] |
- The field names are passed as is.
- If you need to refer to a nested field, then you should use a dot (e.g.
). - Dates are written in ISO 8601 format in UTC.
- Text must be enclosed in double or single quotes.
- You cannot use quotes unless the text contains spaces or special characters.
- Empty quotes denote an empty string or
. - Numbers are automatically converted to
. - Dates are automatically converted to
Operating example
Take the following query as an example:
a.x1 > 2021-12-01 & ( b >= "5" | (c > 0 & d ~ 'a + b & c = 0' & f <= -1 | a ~* "hello" )) & e != 10 | g = [1,2,"z"] & n = ""
Such this parser converts into the MongoDB query of the following form:
{"a.x1":{"$gt": "2021-12-01T00:00:00.000Z"}},
{"d":{"$regex":"a + b & c = 0"}},
Parser implementation
Below is the implementation of the query parser.
const patterns = [
function parse(str, params = {}, opts = {}) {
if (!opts.c) {
opts.c = 0;
if (!opts.p) {
do {
opts.p = Math.random().toString(16).slice(2);
} while (str.indexOf(opts.p) > -1);
for (let i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
const re = patterns[i];
while (true) {
const r = str.match(re);
if (!r) break;
const k = `x${++opts.c}_${opts.p}`;
str = str.replace(r[0], k);
const param = r[0] !== r[1] ? parse(r[1], params, opts) : r[1];
params[k] = i < 2 ? param : param.replace(/\s/g, '');
return str;
function compile(str, params = {}) {
const val = params[str] || str;
switch (true) {
case /^null$/.test(val): {
return null;
case /^'[^']*'$/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/^'([^']*)'$/);
const value = r[1] || '';
return value;
case /^"[^"]*"$/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/^"([^"]*)"$/);
const value = r[1] || '';
return value;
case /^\[[^[\]]*\]$/.test(val): {
const arr = [];
if (val === '[]') {
return arr;
const r = val.slice(1, -1).split(/\s*,\s*/);
for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
const value = compile(r[i], params);
return arr;
case />=/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/\s*>=\s*/);
const field = compile(r[0], params);
const value = compile(r[1], params);
return { [field]: { $gte: value } };
case />/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/\s*>\s*/);
const field = compile(r[0], params);
const value = compile(r[1], params);
return { [field]: { $gt: value } };
case /<=/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/\s*<=\s*/);
const field = compile(r[0], params);
const value = compile(r[1], params);
return { [field]: { $lte: value } };
case /</.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/\s*<\s*/);
const field = compile(r[0], params);
const value = compile(r[1], params);
return { [field]: { $lt: value } };
case /!==/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/\s*!==\s*/);
const field = compile(r[0], params);
let value = compile(r[1], params);
return { [field]: { $ne: value } };
case /!=/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/\s*!=\s*/);
const field = compile(r[0], params);
let value = compile(r[1], params);
return {
[field]: Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 0
? { $nin: value }
: { $ne: value },
case /==/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/\s*==\s*/);
const field = compile(r[0], params);
let value = compile(r[1], params);
return { [field]: value };
case /=/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/\s*=\s*/);
const field = compile(r[0], params);
let value = compile(r[1], params);
return {
[field]: Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 0
? { $in: value }
: value,
case /~\*/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/\s*~\*\s*/);
const field = compile(r[0], params);
const value = compile(r[1], params);
return { [field]: { $regex: value, $options: 'i' } };
case /~/.test(val): {
const r = val.split(/\s*~\s*/);
const field = compile(r[0], params);
const value = compile(r[1], params);
return { [field]: { $regex: value } };
case /&/.test(val): {
const arr = [];
const r = val.split(/\s*&\s*/);
for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
const value = compile(r[i], params);
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
return { $and: arr };
case /\|/.test(val): {
const arr = [];
const r = val.split(/\s*\|\s*/);
for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
const value = compile(r[i], params);
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
return { $or: arr };
default: {
let value = val;
while (params[value]) {
value = compile(params[value], params);
if (!isNaN(value)) return Number(value);
const date = Date.parse(value);
if (!isNaN(date)) return new Date(date);
return value || null;
function convert (query) {
const params = {};
const p = parse(query, params);
return compile(p, params);
Usage example:
const query = convert('x > 10');
// {"x":{"$gt":10}}